The turning of the tide

Jul 01, 2004 10:50

This is slightly belated, but I wrote this as an inspiration to nick a couple weeks ago when he went to give our big pitch to 4 apartment complex owners in our wallaby's-catered seminar:

The Turning of the Tide

Ebbing tides of fortune whirl their mysterious ways,
each determined wave surges hopefully as if to say:
"Today is that day that I touch the sky"
But wistful, wistful, fortune escapes time after time after time.

Yet I have seen the future course,
the joining of myriad colors in triumph,
not only the reds, the greens, the blues, and violets,
but even the majestic yellow, the earthy brown, the effervescent white,
all linked in one cause, no longer strangers to the One Goal.

Where the havens of winter, the vales that are hidden, even the squares of liberty,
send forth their mighty, clad in the armor of battered experience,
draw near with squires who guard their every step,
armed with swords, and shields of fiery resistance!

But lo, this day-- this day-- they come not to fight--
they come not as they once did, seeking your destruction--
but to graze knowledge at your feet,
to feast upon the feasts brought of distant lands,
and to drink in that which humble men have prepared
as the Answer for which they seek.

They have oft been betrayed, flayed and abandoned
betwixt the lies and evils of cunning men.
Vermin who spoke of False Answers and yet gave them as True,
whose sheen from afar deceives even those who would but choose right,
And thus the faces of the proud warriors, though bold and brave,
yet also betray them-- for new sadness, the discerning eye may see.

So rally forth and know that right and might have merged this day,
and the power thereof is upon you.
Rally forth and bring the mighty to their knees.
Teach them that they may too see the Vision for which you have labored.

Fear not as the arrows of the wicked may come,
those who would deride and mock and seek to enslave you--
But pierced and bruised-- stand undefeated,
for should even the Devins of yesteryear stumble,
and for a moment forsake your cause,
the right shall ever prevail.


There are many references/inside jokes in here, so it may only make sense to Ben and maybe Sarah (notice the ordering of the colors...). My personal favorite is the reference to the Devins of yesteryear. For anybody who's read Catch-22, there's the part where the army has their first Q&A session, and people ask "what is where?", "When is how?" and such questions. Then Yossarian asks, "What happened to the Snowdens of yesteryear?" Then everybody gets depressed. How I love that book. And how I'm glad Heather is making me read it again (just by example).
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