It's been such a long time...

Oct 22, 2016 23:21

I've been planning a comeback to live journal ever since I attended Leviosa in Las Vegas back in July...but bad things happened at that con and I put everything on the back burner. Then a trip to the UK, Dragoncon, and various and sundry things that take up my time and attention continued to get in the way. But about a month ago, a curious thing happened.

I'd been working my way through "Once Upon A Time" since early this year...catching up on episodes I'd missed the first time around and rewatching the ones I'd seen. There was a gap of several months after I got through season 2 because I had lost the first netflix disk for season 3. Luckily, while I was off on my holiday in England, my mom found it for me.  So I got back into watching.  I was still somewhere in season 3 when, all of a sudden, it happened.  I fell in love with Regina.

That singlular moment took me from casual fan/shipper, to rabid fangirl.  I empathise pretty hard with Regina, you see.  As much as I ever empathised with Snape, and especially after the backstabbing that happened to me at Leviosa.  Plus, it doesn't hurt at all that Lana Parrilla is easy on the eyes and SO my type.  Add to that the fact that her costumes on that show are so very amazing and I've been wanting to do a cosplay of one of them for a while.  So now I'm hooked (pun intended). I'm writing - and posting - fanfiction again. My OTP has quickly become Snow Queen. Yes, yes, I get that Snow's her stepdaughter. The timeline of happenings is so convoluted and the relationship itself is so complex that, from my point of view at least, that is not a squick factor.  I adore the sass between them and their multi-faceted dynamic. There are so many possibilities there and even though I enjoy writing the romantic/sexual, the "broTP" type stories are just as fulfilling, I think.  Human beings are completely capable of loving deeply without sex or romance, and I really appreciate that there are some great writers out there that can explore that side (I can't really claim to be one of them - yet. All my stories are still pure smut. :) I need to get it all out of my system).

I find myself really wanting to be a Swan Queen shipper too...but there is just a dearth of support for it in canon. Believe me, I have a lot of fun on the Swan Queen tumblrs, and there are many a gifset that look to make it so...but the writers just have not given it to us in the show. They had a perfect chance...and didn't take it. I don't presume they ever will. There are some just lovely Snow Queen moments though, so I will have to be content with them. It won't stop me reading (and writing, a bit) of Swan Queen when the mood strikes, however. ;)  When have I ever needed support in canon to write fic, eh?

*smile* So this is me happy as I haven't been in years. I had to finally leave the shreds of toxic relationships that had been dragging me under for so long. This fandom has given me the passion to write again, and hopefully I can ride that wave for a good long while yet. I'm even planing to do Nano again this year. Maybe I'll actually get somewhere this time!

#ouat #once upon a time #snow queen #reg

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