Eh, never got to really taking pictures, mainly because it was either raining or too hot. Did get two though:
View from the Student Union in the morning:
Old Main (Being worked on, including adding a clock that was supposed to go in over 100 years ago)
Didn't see anyone I knew Tuesday, and Today just saw Jason again and Courtney and Jeremy. My engineering class isn't as near as full as my other classes, and my Calculus class keeps adding more people. Today's classes were the same as mondays, and tomorrow I just have one class since I don't have to go one of my labs this week.
You're a little gold key, and you unlock other
people's hearts. Your kindness and willingness
to be there for those you care about lets
people open up to you knowing they will be
accepted. People will rely on you, but be
careful not to give more than you have.
What sort of key are you and what do you unlock? brought to you by