Apr 23, 2009 18:24

Please go to this link: to contact your Congressional Representative about the Matthew Shepard Federal Hate Crimes Prevention Bill ASAP PLEASE! You don't even have to know your Rep's name just enter in the information and hit send and the Human Rights Campaign will do it for you!

Please also help get the word out by putting all of this information on your LJ, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, etc, or send an email to anyone you think may help!
  • Hate crimes against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are on the rise. One out of every six hate crimes is because of the victim's sexual orientation.
  • Hate crimes have more than one victim. They are intended to create an atmosphere of fear and terrorize entire communities.
  • The Matthew Shepard Act targets only violent acts - not speech. It does not tell any clergy member what he or she can or can't preach.
This bill is TOO IMPORTANT TO LET IT FAIL AGAIN! Please take action NOW! Together, we can make a difference!

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