May 03, 2005 20:46
Hello! hello! long time no update lj-ers, huh? Lets see this weekend I was up at Taly cuz my sister graduated. tear, tear. Twas' fun. Tallahassee is white guy haven let me tell you. I love my gringos, ha. Today I had band practice after school but mesa decided to cut it short, no problem with that obviously. Then crispy dropped me off and I went online. Like woah i totally fell asleep. I signed on checked my mail and BAM I was off. I woke up at 8 and I was like I want taco bell and my mom was like didn't you have night school today? And I was like holy freakin' A. Sorry CArlos. I've been bugging him these past two days about going to class and wat not and how "Ill see you there" and I didnt even show, hah, funny. Now I have a shit load of work to make-up. grr... w.e. Yesterday I went over Ana's house and we studied for American. It really helped me, atleast. It refreshed my memory on alot of shit and by a coincidence of God delgado asked me about the whiskey rebellion today when we reviewed and thats something I had gone voer wiht Ana and I remembered! so yey! w.e. I'm ooo exhausted Idk how I do ti sometiems. My sleeping hours are like all over the place I go to bed really late at night cuz when I get home I need to chillax too you know. So w.e. I start my work late. And sometimes, well usually all the time lately, I wake up at like 4:30 to finish work I didn't the night before. It's crazy. I'm way looking forward to May 10. Last day of school for me. Ha. No more AP exams no more nothing, just band. The life baby, the life.
"For you I bleed myself, dry" wow, I love that line in this song. welp im outties.