Feb 08, 2005 22:15
Aren't friends supposed to be able to tell you everything? I mean if there is something bugging you with someone isn't it proper that you confront them? I mean, why don't people do this? w.e. Like you're obviously gonna get criticed on something. Friends do that;not cuz they want to be mean or judge you or anything, it's because we care. I'll give my opinion but not to be a stubborn, little bitch. I mean isn't it constructive per say. Like it can enlighten you. Tell you something you missed out on. I mean you do trust your friend in the firt place, no? Then why worry or be scared to tell them...
Well, I'm studying for Hellgado now. Chapter 21-23 test, blAh. Wat shit, dude. W.e. Band afterschool wasn't bad. My lips are starting to hurt though. I've been practicing so much lately. Solo, concert band, jazz band, national anthem (can't sound like shit for that one.) Well I'm outta hea.