May 15, 2005 00:31
omg life has soooooooo effing interesting. yesterday at the banquet was fun. i VP and section leader yay. i will miss everyone who is leaving. but today was the most oddest day. i worked a double shift at the pool. then i went to the mall and movies. but then when matt was driving us home, we got stoped by the COPS. they thought we were having a gang bang because it was me, matt, scott, christina, and amy. they called all of our parents, but it was soooo flippin scary when amy's dad came up there. he looked like he wanted to kill us. but we didnt get in trouble. but now i can say that i have been stopped by the COPS. well this is a good way to say good bye to matt. Matt you will be very missed. i hope that everything in life goes great for you. dont forget who you are. i luv u and i know ppl always say dont chnage, but seriously dont change. yeah sarah i will also miss you very much. i hope the you find your sternom. good luck and i love you. well good bye everyone one love yall