
Dec 11, 2005 00:19

Hmmm . . clearly sick of studying . . .

"Year In Review": Post the first sentence of your first journal entry from each month of the year so that you can reflect on your year, blog style!"

January - Hi . . this is me supposed to be writing my English Essay . . . Nice to meet your acquantaince . . .

Febuary - If you fill your bowl too full of Cornflakes, don't attempt to pour them back into the box, It will only create a mess.

March - Aight . . . so I as sit here, slightly hungover and rocking out to Meatloaf (played quietly so as not to disrupt the mildly enjoyable pounding that is inside my skull), I muse over the last six weeks or so, and the pain in my ass that has been Gypsy.

April - If I could be naked all the time I would be.

May - boot camp is ok . . . its hard, but lots of cool stuff . . i can now assemble, clean, fire, dissasemble and fix a C7 Automatic Assault Rifle thats Gas powered, Air Cooled, magazine fed and shoulder holsted . . can you???

June - So I must say . . life is pretty fuckin awesome right now. Here are some highlights

July - So, I love my job like nobody's business . . . . .I mean, people come from all over the world to see the band play!! I think my favourite are the Asian tourists. They try and get so close to us to get pictures, and they sometimes almost get run down, cuz we DONT STOP!!!

August - Just home to visit the parents, they came up to Ottawa to see the parade, and they took 67 pictures!! I mean, its a 60 min parade . . thats over a picture a minute!! CRAZY!!! Back Thurs night to The Big City and back to the job, so stoked!!

September - Sick . . .

Fuck . . . .

October - Here I lay me up to sleep, pray to God my Erection to keep.

November - Go English Paper . . wOOt

December - This is what someone posted ANONOMOUSLY on my last LJ update . . gotta love the dumbasses that don't have the balls to sign their name to a statement . . ENJOY FOLKS!!!

and that was "student sick of studying so wasting time on LJ" as performed by me . . hope you enjoyed.

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