(no subject)

May 26, 2004 20:02

Okay so I'm finally updating after all this time, I'm kind of lost on this whole LJ thing. Got a B on my math final and a B in World hist. I got a 63% on the scantron part of my spanish final. My grades suck, what else is new. I need my license like now so I can actually drive myself around. Yeah so this summer ought to be fun family Road Trip to the east coast, at least I'm driving a lot instead of sitting in the back seat with my little sister. So who hates school. Susie I think we have plenty to add from the lader half of this school year to our go to hell list, I cant even remember all the ones we had before but I bet we can double them over. My cell phone is still broken, so I still have my gheto style POS phone with like nothing added on. I hate having to save money, but I need to find a lot of it by next year for Europe. Now Taking Donations! I say this summer I boycot everything academic, sounds good. I think I am going insane with everything right now. There I updated you happy I have not fallen off the face of the earth just forgot about the face of the earth.

Oh and Now I'm going to be cool like everyone else-
Post a memory of me in a comment. Whatever memory you feel like...first time we met, first time I ran into something (or tripped), first time you saw me have a blonde (except Im a brunette...) moment, first time you cared about me, first time you saw me cry, anything you have remembered about me. Then post this in your livejournal.
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