May 23, 2005 19:32
holy moley moley moley...this is going to be a semi-chipper entry, despite the fact that most of my friend's last day is tomorrow...three cheers for high school!! not so much.
Today was actually not as miserable as i thought it was going to be. I took the english HSA, fun fun, and it went pretty well even though my ECRs and BCRs were hell. On one section, my BCR was longer than my ECR. shows how much I care.
Ate lunch with Joce, which is what i'll probably be doing everyday until I graduate now, so that's nice. Tim was there and he talked
.................................what did you expect? it was lunch.
Soooo I've been listening to alot of head-banging emo lately. *gasp*
Releaves stress..whateva.
I didn't even cry when I said goodbye to Danny today, good good good.
OH OH, I'm going camping with danny, matt davis and his girlfriend this thursday, so that might be fun. Except they are going to be drinking quite alot and danny's going to be abusive and stuff like at winter formal. great fun. i can take him. :)
Tournament this weekend in New Jersey...yayayayay. I love Kristine, Caroline and Dukes will be there which makes life much more livable.
Well, on that note...I'll say goodbye and kifnit...? not sure why...i was told i must by the goddess of band geeks all over the world..mephrodite!