to the lj-crew
the lj-few
I'm leaving
as you read this.... I'M FUCKING GONE!
So i just have a few pictures to unload.(Free up my new 1GB memory card!) I had a great last few days seeing lotsa people. I didnt get to say goodbye to everyone buuuuuut whats matters most is the awesome hello you all are gunna get when i'm back in vic city at the end of May. Bumpin it in the club with all my 19 yearold homies aaaand slippin a mickey to all my otha peeps.
what the fuck am i talking about.
yeah i'm just a lil drunk. I had to! its my last night! but there will be many more had once i retuuuuurn.
So tuesday i me and the claire-emily-ele-sid etc. crew reminiced waaaay back
like to grade nine when we used to drink in parks...yum yum
oh sid
ha, wtf?
this ones hella cutez
coolest goodbye treat=julie's banana splitz
kay gotta go to bed!
wake up earlz
(scott better comment with linkz, c'mon)