Hello lamppost,
It's been a while hey? Its been too long since i've seen some of yous as well.
ANYway I took way too little pictures at the Halloween party i went to saturday. But it's better than nuthin! Which i've been talking alot of lately. Nothing. As in I never use my camera anymore......it's sad.
Oh, pictures are small. And I dont wanna go back and change them....
Kay so Kai's friend Ashley had a party. Most of the people are the grade 12's from Esquimalt this year. I sorta knew most of em.
These were all taken as the party was winding down...
So we're sittin at the table and Liam's like HEY lets go outside and make some music....with our mouths.
Marley, post cowboy.
Pumpkai's like yo, Deb's like peh!
Pumpkai's like PSH, Deb's like uuuh 1%?
Dont even worry about it
My Pumpstrongbadkin
le end