(no subject)

May 25, 2005 09:56

I talked to my boss last night. What a waste of time! I asked if I was going to be fired or laid-off, and I could tell he was expecting me to ask that...though....according to him...I need not worry. At first he said he understood where I would think that (now who's fault is that?) Then later he was half laughing at my comments, like I was some over emotional woman, who took innocent events and turned them into more than what they were.

Hmmmm? Let's analyize all this...

1) I've been told by both boss and supervisor several times I was going to first shift soon.
2) I have seniority and experience in this area
3) I worked hard and by myself during busy season, logging in 20 hours or more overtime every week while the others went home after their normal hours, plus had help with their jobs.
4) Busy season is over and I have things well under hand, even a couple days ahead of schedule.

What happened....

1) I come back from burying my cat and find out from the kid's girlfriend my hours were changed. Boss and supervisor said boo hiss though I talked to them several times before then.

2) Afer I ask Boss point blank if my hours changed, he admits they did, but divulges nothing more. I see notepad on his desk, and the kid under me has been given first shift hours. I will be left by myself for 6 hours at night to handle both sides of the factory (before, me and the kid did our own sides, though I was in charge of his side too after he left, and I stayed behind)

3) Kid comes up to me later (gloating) that he's now working with me on MY side of the factory where he has no experience and doing the more 'important' things in the morning that I did on top of my regular duties during busy season. Yeah, nice...but where was he when I really needed him? I don't need him now...work is way slow. The jerk wouldn't even help me during busy season, even leaving early many nights while I worked 12 hour days.

4) Boss or supervisor never told me why or how they came to this decision. They acted like nothing had happened. I even had to ask my supervisor what my new duties were since I had no idea and no one was telling me.

5) Both the kid and the chick who he used to work with on the other side got these real nice name plaques. They keep them hidden under their desks. Why? They made sure I knew of them, so why not let them sit on their desk? Boss almost laughed in my face when I brought that up, recovered, then said it was just an oversight. They just forgot about me. How lovely.

6) Was told by Boss that I was orginally hired in on 2nd shift, so it doesn't matter that for many months (since Sept or Oct of last year) I have been coming in at the same time as the kid. The Kid only came in an hour and a half earlier than me before that, but he's not second shift. So that's why he moved up to first shift.

7) Oh, and him moving up to first shift does not mean he was promoted, or me demoted because they didn't give me the job. Hmmmm...this is the first place I worked at that being moved to first wasn't considered a promotion. He also is doing the more important aspects of the job, and the people are to come to him first before me...

Okay, am I over reacting? Be honest.
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