The Chain letter of doom

Nov 13, 2005 15:41

So I'm sitting here on the computer splurging on icecream. I plan on starting to eat healthier tomorrow, (plan on being the key words here.) I got this chain letter on myspace that said if I don't forward it to fifteen people, a blonde- haired, blue-eyed girl with no ears or nose is going to stand above my bed with a knife tonight and kill me... we'll see how that goes since I have a bunk-bed and I'm on the top. However, if I did send it to fifteen people, I would have supposedly fallen in love tonight at 10:22 p.m. So I figured death is the better way to go... haha jst kidding but If I die by tomorrow, it would be pretty funny since I'm so outwardly mocking this chain letter. It would be just my luck too. Well, pray for me or knock on wood or something. Hopefully I'll just have a nightmare about it if worse comes to worst.

I am my own best friend.
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