Info on the AU: Meet Asako Amakura. UPDATE: She is now at the end of the game, on Naoya's route.
You're probably wondering how in blazes she's an AU at this point, aside from the...obvious genderbend. The fact of the matter is, Asako here? She can see the future. ...Not that anyone knows this, of course.
Powers: Asako's ability in this AU is to see the future. It's more a burden than a gift, to be honest; it's a weak, spotty power at best. Sometimes it doesn't warn her of things that she'd really like to know (i.e. the teacher springing a pop quiz on her first class in the morning,) and sometimes she has a vision of something a few minutes too late to do anything about it. To make matters worse, as the Lockdown progresses and she gets stronger, her powers are going to get stronger too...
Personality: Asako is...volatile, to say the least. She acts rather spacey and not very bright, and at least half of the time this is true. The rest of the time, it's a facade to hide what's going on in her head - and what's going on is, she really doesn't trust anyone. She's well aware that people with her powers (or who at least claim to have them) are considered freaks if they talk about it, and as a result she's done her best to keep it quiet. However, this has caused her not to be able to trust anyone enough to tell them. Not her family, not her friends, not anyone.
(The irony here is, Naoya at least probably would've believed her. She didn't know that, though.)
She likes and cherishes her friends and family, and doesn't want to lose her relationships with them, so she keeps quiet for their sake - so she says. Deep down, though, she doesn't really trust them. She doesn't trust that what they say is true, she doesn't trust that they care, and she definitely doesn't trust that they won't turn on her at the first opportunity.
But she does care for them. Really. ... Okay, so she cares for, fears, and resents them. She's pretty confused, and doesn't understand her own emotions - or anyone else's - very well. Her deliberate emotional isolation from others has not helped. To some degree, she actually resents humanity - who's responsible for all the horrible things she sees? Who's responsible, huh? She feels precious little loyalty to humanity as a whole, and there's a very real possibility that she might go "screw this, I'm outta here" with Yuzu when the Day 6 choice rolls around.
To some degree, she resents herself as well. After all, if she weren't born with these freakish powers, she'd be living a normal life.
When Asako isn't brooding, in the middle of a vision, or spacing out, she's actually surprisingly energetic and chipper...and quick to violent anger. After one of her visions showed her cousin Naoya as one of the culprits behind the upcoming apocalypse, she has basically sworn to kick his ass.
... By jumping into the air and delivering death from above. Despite the fact that she's not very strong physically.
Yeah, logic's not her strong suit.
tl;dr: Asako is an unhinged tsundere who is one bad day away from becoming The Unfettered and ditching everyone. She may need a trip to the Midnight Channel in order to avoid this.