Blijkbaar ben ik een iets vlijtigere back-upper
dan gedacht, want op allerlei plekken heb ik kleine en grote gedeeltes van mijn USB-stick teruggevonden. Niks kwijt gelukkig, slechts een paar uurtjes werk op de ochtend van DE CATASTROFE. Pfew! Wijze les van oma Sanne: Maak back-ups lieve kijkbuiskinderen! ;)
Comments 2
One really needs to save/backup regularly.
Usually, what has happened to me though, is that I'll save on the computer and not my USB drive, and then when I am at school and realize I don't have a hard copy, try to find it in my USB, have a panic attack, and then realize it isn't there. :(
But yeah, I am so happy I made a back-up that recently, pfew! Don't know what I would have done without it... I think I might have been fired too :/
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