
Apr 08, 2016 23:24

So, after nearly 6 years I will be returning to the workforce. I'd like to think the majority of that time was used or constructive purposes (losing nearly 140 lbs so far, volunteering and building up of a resume, making social connections through volunteering, getting my finances in order, emotional healing). To be honest, I will miss the life I've had for 4 or so of the last 6 years. It's been a peaceful time and I think I've sculpted myself into a better person and created a good launching point for a better life.

It's been a long time coming. Bellingham is a triple college town and the pickings are slim unless you are part of a certain demographic there (as far as I've seen). There have been so many interviews that had led nowhere, resumes and cover letters sent out, so many classes on various aspects of employment and skill building and I nearly lost hope of ever being employed for the rest of my adult life.

So, you might be wondering: what's this job? It's been at a senior center I've been volunteering at for the last year. I've gotten good marks from them and they were the ones who offered me the job. Today I talked to Tresa, the now former manager (today was her last day) and she informed me that I was indeed hired (I'll get the final confirmation in a few weeks). It will be as an administrative assistant for 10-15 hours a week, which being on disability suits me fine--it will help with a good work/life balance. This place has a very friendly atmosphere and I get weekends off! I'll just have to make sure I take a notepad with me every day I'm there to make sure I remember every task I'm issued. I'll do fine.

Thank you all for believing in me and for your support!

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