(no subject)

Jun 05, 2004 00:05

Bold the ones you agree with, write new ones for the ones you don't.

01. I like talking on the phone.
02. I have no tattoos.
03. I'm have 8 brother's and sisters.
04. I am addicted to death cab for cutie. they make me feel special.
05. I love trix cereal.
06. I am an pisces.
07. I hate beer.
09. I can't live without chapstick.
10. I can't live without music.
11. My favorite book is the perks of being a wallflower.
12. I spend money I don't have. (just did today)
13. I'll be a bitch forever. (omg sarcasm I don't get it!)
14. I've met Fat Mike.
15. I get annoyed easily.
16. I never want kids.
18. I have more then a couple of horrible memories.
19. I love Elvis Presley.
20. I am a person.
21. My first kiss was when I was 16.
22. I want to kill high school.
23. I love taking pictures.
24. I hate girls who are fake.
25. I can be mean when I want to.
26. I have weird ass dreams.
27. My shoe size is an 8 1/2 in womens.
28. I hate shopping.
29. I've never seen Finding Nemo.
30. I usually dress in something that is wrinkled.
31. I have never seen Sex and the City.
32. Sometimes I cry for almost no reason.
33. I hate when people are late.
34. I procrastinate.
35. I love winter.
36. I have too many clothes for my closet/dresser.
37. I love to sleep.
38. I wish I were smarter.
39. I've never been on a plane.
40. I hate drama.
41. I liked American Dreams, but I never watched it much, forgot when it was on.
42. I like my hair.
43. My family is the definition of dysfunctional, even my counselor agrees..
44. I love stars.
45. I have had the chicken pox once.
46. I'm scared and excited for the future.
47. I bottle things up.
48. I can't wait til my birthday.
49. I can't wear pants that are above the hip. (haha rib pants)
50. I love my friends.
51. I plan on living until I'm 22.
52. I am incredibly insecure.
53. I have never broken a bone.
54. I played softball for 5 years.
55. I hate my computer.
56. I love guys that play the instruments.
57. I'm a smart-ass. Too sarcastic sometimes.
58. I'm a terrible person.
59: I love to dance. But I'm terrible.
60. I love to sing. I used to be good at that.
61. I haven't cleaned my room in a month.
62. I tend to get jealous very easily.
63. I love cute shoes.
64. I like to read.
65. I'm more honest in these surveys than I ever would be talking to someone in real life.
66. I want to go to Australia.
67. I never study for tests.
68. I'm agnostic
69. I can hold a grudge.
70. I have a terrible sense of direction.
71. I hate my dad.
72. I have a talent of sweet-talking my way out of things.
73. I'm weird.
74. I love kisses on the forehead.
75. I hate bad grammar.
76. I love coloring books.
77. I have green blue eyes.
78. I have read 11 books by Stephen King the last time I counted.
79. I am allergic to certain hairsprays.
80. I become stressed easily.
81. I am a bad liar.
82. I like comfy sweatpants.
83. I want flowers once.
84. I love the smell of gasoline.
85. My mom calls me morbid.
86. I like spaghetti.
87. I am a slacker.
88. I find it hard to bite my tongue.
90. I am a virgin
91. I would love to get any clothes I wanted.
92. I wonder about marriage.
93. I still act like a little kid.
94. I hate kids who call other people posers. Because most of the time, they are a poser themselves.
95. I love pictures.
96. I love music.
97. I wish I were more motivated when it comes to school.
98. I love getting stuff in the mail.
99. I know when it's time to let go.
100. I am very independent.


-- Your heritage: 75 Irish, 25 German.
-- The shoes you wore today: Black converse. Low tops.
-- Your eyes: green blue.
-- Your weakness: I'm a pushover.
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: Make a movie. A real one. A good one.

-----------------WHAT IS------------------
-- Your most overused phrase on aim: LORXLZ
-- Your thoughts first waking up: mmm tireddd
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: hair and shoes. =/
-- Your best physical feature: I guess my eyes. Or something. I've been told I have pretty lips and a nice smile but well, we all know Brad went psycho soooooo .
-- Your bedtime: lately, 2 in the morning.
-- Your greatest accomplishment: my music video. the thing I'm most proud of that I've done in my life.
-- Your most missed memory: at my house after six flags with Jamie, Alex, Bruce, Tasha, Matt, Douglas, Me.
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
-- Pepsi or coke: coke. it's sweeter.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King. stupid question.
-- Single or group dates: Group dates at first. Then single.
-- Adidas or Nike: Converse.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate.
-- Cappuccino or coffee: both.
-----------------DO YOU------------------
-- Smoke: no.
-- Cuss: yes.
-- Take a shower everyday: I was really tired this week. haha.
-- Have a crush(es): I guess you could call it that.
-- Who are they: duh.
-- Do you think you've been in love? Yes.
-- Want to go to college: FULL SAIL. or where my brother is set on=Kent State.
-- Like high school: I like it, but college is going to be so great.
-- Want to get married: someday.
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yes.
-- Believe in yourself: never.
-- Get motion sickness: yes.
-- Think you're attractive: no.
-- Think you're a health freak: no.
-- Get along with your parents: well, me and my mom are a lot alike, but she is causing problems lately. And the dad thing, we won't go into it. He's....wrong.
-- Like thunderstorms: they scare me.
-- Play an instrument: trumpet in 6th grade?

------------DID/HAVE YOU--------------
-- Drank alcohol: Once. Oh Nick Rock haha.
-- Smoke(d): At a time in my life. Then I got a clue.
-- Done a drug: ditto.
-- Made Out: uh yeah.
-- Go on a date: Yeah.
-- Go to the mall: probably 5 times a week. Can you say Mallrats?
-- Eaten sushi: once. I only ate the rice and seaweed though haha.
-- Been on stage: Yes.
-- Been dumped: Yes. Once. In 9th grade. Josh I dumped, NATE I so dumped, and Brad was mutual.
-- Gone skating: hahah yes. AHH Bruce. Good times.
-- Made homemade cookies: yees.
-- Been in love: Yes.
-- Dyed your hair: um...me? no. but keely and jen have.
-- Stolen anything: um, a long time ago.

-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
-- Best eye color: green.
-- Best hair color: black.
-- Short or long hair: medium.
-- Best height: Taller than me.
-- Best weight: I like heroin addicts. Ha. Kidding. I don't know. Not frail, like I'm afraid to hug them, but not so that I CAN'T hug them.
-- Best first date location: I don't know. Not Borders. Wait. Maybe Borders. I don't know.
-- Best first kiss location: the lips or sitting on the floor? I don't know what location means.

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
-- Cried: Yes. oh yes. Why? oh you know why.
-- Worn jeans: I am right now.
-- Met someone new online: No.
-- Done laundry: nope.
-- Drove a car: yes. my mom's ew. and mine of course.
-- Talked on the phone: yes. haha.

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
-- Yourself: not usually.
-- Your friends: yes.
-- Santa Claus: no.
-- Tooth Fairy: no.
-- Destiny/Fate: not really.
-- Angels: I don't know.
-- Ghosts: I don't know.
-- UFO's: I don't know.
-- God: um...agnostic? haha.

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
-- Do you ever wish you had another name?: no. mine is too funny.
-- Do you like anyone?: we all kind of act a little alike.
-- Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: me and keely are so much alike manerisms wise.
-- Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Jamie.
-- Are you close to any family member? My brother David.
-- When have you cried the most?: Matt's calling hours. I have never cried that hard in my life. Well except probably at my dads but once again...wrong.
-- What's the best feeling in the world?: feeling special and talking to someone special.
-- Worst Feeling?: not getting to talk to someone special.
What time is it now?: 12:03 am.
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