in lieu of an actual legitimate theme, i thought for today i'd rec some of the first fics i can remember reading in SPN fandom. by theme. because i am OCD like that. since i am relatively new to fandom (i discovered fanfic sometime in late 2008, and it was pretty much like discovering a new favorite author - i became OBSESSED - not that there's anything wrong with that) some of these fics are from 2009, some from 2007, but they were all firsts for me. i hope you enjoy!
weathercock snowfall (starlight cockcrow)author.
kroki-refurcharacters. Sam, Dean, John, Bobby
rating. PG-13
words. 27,0000
summary. Dean's got three weeks to live, and Sam's acting like a freakin asshole. And hey, it's not like that's never happened before, but this is a little too much like history repeating for Dean's liking.
read this. my first gen fic! possible one of my first ever livejournal fics, too. i don't know if my comments can do justice to the strong sense of character and the depth of love between the boys that this author accomplishes. and it's a pretty neat idea, too.
astolatcharacters. Sam/Dean
rating. R-ish (my estimate)
words. 15,618
summary. Sam doesn't ask.
read this. my first wincest! (gasp, they do what???) this is a beautiful story that made my heart clench for sam. evocative and gorgeous and full of sam's epic love for dean. (even though there's no on screen sex, the love is the kink. the love is the kink.)
last outpost of all that isauthor.
words. 58,000 (my own estimate)
summary.The world is over, and it’s a Winchester’s lot in life to cope with anything - no matter what.
read this. my first apocafic! in addition to being one of the first apocalypse fics i ever read, this was also among the first wincest fics i ever got my hands on, and it remains one my favorites. the premise is unique and incredibly well imagined, the characterization is fabulous, and the relationship between sam and dean is perfection.
Win-Win Situationauthor.
mediavillecharacters. Jared/Jensen
rating. NC-17
words. 11,700
summary. The (plot device) made us do it! The boys have to make out on camera.
read this. my first J2! well, close to it, anyway. i was reading sam/dean a long time before i made it to RPS. this fic is so funny, so intimate, and so BOYS. it makes me laugh every time i read it, and has some of the hottest awkward kissing in the history of ever.
all the troubles in my mind (they don't feel so bad)author.
runawaydr3amercharacters. Dean/Jensen
rating. NC-17
words. 4,000 (this part)
summary. Well, it was bound to be eventful if Dean and Jensen ever crossed paths.
read this. my first SPN/RPS crossover fic! and i gobbled it up like turkey dinner chased with pumpkin pie and whipped cream (it's post-thanksgiving up here in canada). "all the troubles in my mind" is the first part of a much larger story (19,000 words, i think) which is part of a much larger 'verse (named the preset 'verse). the author does a fantastic job at keeping the characterization crisp and distinct, and the writing style is oh-so-readable. did i mention it's hot as hell?