In honor of the impending Apocalypse -- I’m more talking about the one on Supernatural and not the ancient Mayan 2012 prophecy per se -- let's all indulge in some post-apocalyptic fic. These pieces below are all short but (bitter)sweet.
When the Road Stops, Restauthor.
maygracharacters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG
words. 1,200
summary. “It's like the words to a favorite song. It's like promises and a good meal. It's right in front of him, just a few steps more.”
read this. A beautiful, heartbreaking set of drabbles; the author paints a haunting, chilling, and unforgettable vision. Also make sure to check out the sequel to one of the drabbles in
Fragments of Broken Futures.
New World Comingauthor. greenapple
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. R
words. 700
summary. There is a red light in the sky all the time, now. Invisible lightning and dark winged shapes in purple clouds thick like smoke.
read this. A powerful, gut-wrenching snapshot; a "what-if" that'll render you speechless.
The Bering Straitauthor. moveablehistory
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. R
words. 1,000
summary. Apparently, a drop of ten degrees celsius in average temperature is really catastrophic.
read this. This is a beautiful fic, bleak but wonderfully evocative. The story's strong and vivid imagery will grab you immediately.