427: a whole lotta love: (robo)sam/dean [fic], castiel [art]

Apr 22, 2011 01:48

It is both canon and fanon that Robo!Sam was more, ahem, promiscuous than Sam!Sam.  The following four fics all address that, in one way or another.

title. The Way I Want You
author. bree_black 
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. NC-17
words. 3,300
summary. Without his soul, Sam slept with a lot of chicks. And only chicks. The noticeable absence of dudes makes Dean wonder about his own relationship with his brother.
read this.  This fic is by turns hilarious, touching, and sexxxy, with a killer Dean voice and some truly excellent dialogue.  Satisfying in every way.

title. my loneliness is killing me
author. pavonine_fic 
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG-13
words: 4,600
summary: There's soulless Sam and the Sam Dean's always known, and it's getting harder to tell the difference. Then again, he doesn't always want to.
read this.  get ready to feel your heart crack to pieces and rain out your ears.  the way Dean misses Sam is palpable and beautifully rendered, and the trajectory of his feelings towards robo!Sam is painful but oh-so believable.  Extremely well-crafted.

title. Better than before
author. glovered 
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG-13
words. 650
summary.  From the prompt: Dean + cigarettes, sound & smell of rain
read this.  this one packs a lot of really gorgeous language into very few words, and manages to be both surprising and familiar.

title. doubles
author. de_nugis 
characters. Sam/Dean
rating. NC-17
words. 2,100
summary: robo!Sam did some damage; luckily, Dean's a fixer.
read this.  sweet, snappy, and sexy.

Also, totally unrelated to Robo!Sam, have two lovely fanarts of Castiel smoking.

title. Castiel Constantine
artist. artmetica
characters. Castiel
rating. PG
type. digital painting
see this.  I stared at this for like an hour.  Then I went and had a sandwich.  Then I came back and did more staring.  During the sandwich-eating part of that, I was visualizing the painting and counting down the chews until I could get back to it.  IT DISTRACTED ME FROM FOOD.  That is not something I've ever experienced before.

title. Smoking Castiel
artist. artmetica
characters. Castiel
rating. PG
type. digital painting
see this.  Cas is smoking a cigar!!!  Did you know how badly you wanted to see Cas smoke a cigar?  me neither!  The painting is gorgeous, all dark and smoky and sexy like Castiel's voice.

-- author: g, ~ fan art, !reccer: roque_clasique, ~ fan fiction, # slash, theme: robo!sam, theme: mixed a/o no theme, -- author: b, # gen, -- author: p, pairing: sam/dean, -- artist: a, -- author: d, character: dean winchester, character: castiel, character: sam winchester, # wincest, art: paintings

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