In the Darkartist.
twoskeletonscharacters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG [reccer's rating]
type. song
length. 3:50
summary. Post-5x22. Life after Sam is still Sam all over the place.
listen to this. Fansongs are a rare and treasured thing. And this song is an amazing Sam/Dean anthem. The haunting lyrics, the music, and the artist's voice combine for a heartbreaking piece that you'll want to listen to over and over again (when you're not crying into your pillow at the tragic beauty of her Sam/Dean). Simply gorgeous! Go listen!
The West Can Be A Desperate Placeauthor.
goingtoqueenscharacters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG [reccer's rating]
words. 4,200
summary. His whole life, home was never more than ten steps from Sam's side.
read this. This is a beautiful story based on the awesome ficmix
We'll Wait for Our Miracle. The boys' journey away from each other and back to each other is deftly detailed with a perfect mix of longing and love.
All the Lost Horizonsauthor.
lux__aeternacharacters. Sam/Dean, minor Sam/OFC
rating. PG
words. 5,000
summary. Sam closes his eyes. He tips his head back, lets the sun warm his face and throat. It will be dark soon, he knows, and everything will be still.
read this. This is Sam/Dean in a slight AU setting, but the author stays so true to the canon characters and the relationship we know. The story has a lovely cadence and wonderful imagery, and the author's coming-of-age Sam voice is spot-on.
hitlikehammerscharacters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG-13
words. 5,409
summary. They’re driving, always driving; and the roads, Sam’s learned, only ever end at the sea.
read this. This story is like poetry with its unique narrative structure, experimental prose style, and its gorgeous use of imagery and description. The Sam POV is fantastic.
whereuponcharacters. Sam/Dean
rating. PG-13
words. 4,890
summary. It's the landing that kills you.
read this. A rendering of Sam/Dean that is note-perfect.
reccer's note. A Sam/Dean mix for your Tuesday. Enjoy! ♥