Today sucked! i really need to start working in school again, cause i dont wanna be fucked and go to summer shcool, but yes so far this week ive just been sleeping in all my classes, and fucking off :\ i was looking at ebay today and found some awesome button makers, if i cant find one in stores, ill prolly get one, and then i came across a b-52s
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and can you please explain to me what mohawks are all about since i havent got a clue
Mohawks were wore by native certain tribs of native americans for the symbolizism of going into war. They would grow there hair inbetween battles and shave a mohawk right before the battle was to take place. After the battle they owuld shave it off and add to a rope showing something along the line of survival or how many battles were won.
My Point: Simply a history lesson
By the way, if i offended anybody, sorry, i'm just giving my 2 cents....
(this took me 20 minutes to try to post due to my fucking livejournal being dumb, i'm pretty sure i'm gettting ride of this thing....blurtys for all?)
-Matthew Crash
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