Dr. Uncle Sam

Aug 07, 2009 21:56

What do you all think about this idea for government run health care?  From what i know, it seems to work in France and even Cuba, but our government is run by so many greedy two-faced fuckers that i don't think it would work very well here.  They can't even seem to run the VA hospitals very well.  I just imagine what they would allow to happen to the rest of us... Any thoughts?

EDIT:  The suspicion of a lot of people is that some people in the government are trying to push the bill thru really quickly, while many people haven't had a chance to read it, and there are nefarious things hiding in it.  I found a 1018 page version of it, dated July 14, 2009, and i've been looking thru it trying to make sense of it, but the language in it is not exactly easy for me to understand.  I don't know how good this ~universal~ coverage would be.  Ideally, it would be perfect and everyone would be taken care of.  I do know that a lot of people are spreading hysterical nonsense about it, but i also suspect that the government has more to gain from it than they would like us to believe.

Has anyone read much of the bill?  I got it here:  http://waysandmeans.house.gov/media/pdf/111/AAHCA09001xml.pdf

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