May 29, 2009 20:54
I want a smoothie. To be specific, I want a smoothie made with chocolate almond milk, peanut butter and a banana (as per Leah's recipie). But I don't feel like going to the grocery store for the almond milk (and various other household necessities like cat litter). I don't feel like getting off of the couch. I'm not sure whether the lazy side, or the smoothie-desiring side is going to win out.
I don't want to put clothes on.
Lupin is cuddling with a bra that I left on the floor. (I have a habit of undressing in my living room). I don't know if this is cute or disturbing.
Did I mention I got a new blender, and I'm all about the smoothies?
It's a tangerine-colored blender. Tasty yellow-orange sparklyness.
I am overtired, but I think that I am done with emotional breakdowns for the next few thousand miles. Midget sex offenders have been unceremoniously re-banned from my life, and hopefully I won't end up having to fork out the cash for one of my friends to deal with an unwanted pregnancy...
Tired of the constant cycle of working and sleeping.
I made a bunch of mixes for Catette, which resulted in her making a necklace inspired by Kate Bush. This is good. There should be more Kate Bush-inspired necklaces in the world.
what the fuck,