Summer Moonlight, Southern Daughter, She Lead Me Down To The Water

Jan 18, 2005 16:06

You Are 16 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

What Age Do You Act?

DUH!!!!(Stolen From Miranda's Journal, and She's 23! ~_~)

Anyways.LOL, This entry is for STEFAN, becuase he won't stop bugging me to update about Raw. But Hold onto your panties Stefan, MOD happened before Raw!

We got to the ACC, and saw everyone, and Then me and amy left for MOD, we walked the long way, becuase we are tres retarted.
LOL Yes, we are! Then we got there, we werent to late, we saw Sarahbella, and bea. We talked to them, then we went into the show, where we saw Carmen Electra, I dont like to be one of those Stalkerish people who are like "CARMEN CARMEN" so me and amy, watched and talked. It was fun, and after we got to talk to matte.(Amy spells it that way) He was really nice, and then we went to Starbucks, got a Apple Cider :), Then we walked, got Raped and stalked by a homeless guy who wanted me to Graduate from Elementry School, CAll him, and Buy him beer. fuck you dude.

Then We went to Raw, OH WAIT, WE LOOKED FOR BRAD FIRST. Im doing this to you STEFAN.

It was so funny, Holly "You didnt do your hair" "My Friends are younger than me!!!!" I Loved mocking her, but it was fun. Im glad im a baby. :)

Me and Ivaylo sat together, and Vily and holly sat together, Some of Raw was great, Chris Vs. Chris, HBK vs. Christian, AHAB THE ARAB on Jericho's show. There was no diva's match, but we got to see Trish, and Me and ivaylo cried when she got choke slammed. Uh, The Guy next to me was so funny, and called everything, it was so funny. Eventhough he had a small bladder and went to the washroom, 24/7. LOL. The last match was the best, oh i cannot explain the comedy, It was soo funny. I loved it. It was the best part of the night.


"Maven Swallows! *Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap!*"
"LETS GO CHRIS!!!" *During The Chris Vs. Chris Match.

WHY TORONTO! Its so Amazing, No Hockey, but still, during a boring match, we will Chant "GO LEAFS GO" Poor Snitsky. The wave owned.

Then me and Ivaylo went to go get my dad, and holly and vily went to go get our coats, I had a 20 minute convo with joe, where i tried to kill myself, becuase he wuoldnt shut up, he wouldnt shut up until he was at home, but it was funny, the guys were holding their sign up at the car, and he's like

"Snitsky Sucks Shitsky"

Then he told the story of 100 years ago a wrestler named "Hugh Snitsky" OR SOMETHING OR OTHER. Then the Iron Sheik. KILL ME!

I hate 100 year old men, whom my dad drives home, but i thought it was funny when i asked him to buy me a truck, it was so random. But Great.

OKAY! EVERYONE GOT HOME ALIVE, END OF STORY, But then, Stefan will wait a while more, becuase I HAVE TO TALK ABOUT TODAY!


I went to Co-op, gail got me a bag of SKOR Bits, that are chewy, they are so good, im eating them now, and Kim let me have this picture of a girl on a toilet that says "Pooh Corner" and its not like A GIRL, its like a toddler, and its so cute. Its going above My Toilet. I talked to Julie alot, and we made are Mascot Barbie Into "Bag Lady Barbie" I dont think Kim saw yet, but i am THE CRAFT MASTER!

Then Bio was fun, Me and tyler slept on the desk most of the time, and Grainger still hasnt found my test, and its scaring him! Ha! I want %100!

Then English, it was so funny, It was just a funny day, Squishing Cheeseys, Rob Getting pissed about Mr.K's Medicine Comment, coughing to cover up EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. It was so funny.

Hmm, so thats about my day. Oi, It is so far,
I guess i can update now stefan, allthough i am hoping this fails and gets lost. That would be funny! :) Jk.
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