May 04, 2004 09:07
hmmmm.... more maniquins today. FUN! i feel like a big dork doing it on a piece of plastic though. People in the class are dumb. No one would do it first. Hello! college! not high school anymore. It's not cool to act cool. anyways, the thing was that you got to leave after doing it and since i was first, i left first and now i have time to come and visit my beautiful journal and update all those whom i care about. My car is having that time of the month. It's a boy, but guys have those times each month where they're super cranky too. The amp light keeps turning on and off. It's annoying. I never know if it's going to throw a tissy and not start on me. Then i have to get a jump start from a stranger who is kind enough after i mess with, i swear, every wire in my electrical system. i really injured my wrist the other day trying to do it. I guess i smashed a nerve or something. That's what my boss told me. But it's feeling much better now. Good thing too, i have to serve tonight. I was scheduled for yesterday also but i couldn't because i had GS. i had to give it to Sarah #3. ya know, the one that everyone thinks sucks. I wanted to trade her for another day but she's like...i don't have enough hours. (she was working 3 days) and so she didn;t want to give me one of her days. Which is okay i guess. like i have enough hours!? but, i'm cool because she was helping me out. I saw martin the other day. He came in to get his last paycheck. I think he was high. He looked like a hippy too. Like he'd been camping for 2 weeks and hadn't shaven. and at least shower for a couple of days. I had to take a second glance. i miss him. He's so cool. everyone was jealous because i got to stand there and talk to him for awhile. i won't see him for a long time. I hugged him. I'm glad too. ....see, i have this thing about moving and not seeing the person again and it's always in the back of my mind that i should've hugged them. It makes me feel bad all the time. For instance when i lived in WY, bobby, a guy that i worked with was really cool. and i think he might of liked me too, because he hated the fact that i was in love with his friend cole. anyways, we were shelving toilet paper together on my last day and i wanted to get out of there so fast, because i was tired and sick of work. and i just said goodbye. I didn't hug him or anything. and i miss him as much as i miss cole. I wrote him letters but he never wrote back, they told me it was because he had a possesive GF but, i think about that probably every other if not everyday. Ughhhhh! i hate regrets sooo much.
I went to the young single adult rep meeting last night after GS and there are a quite a few guys that i had never seen before. Daniel is in first ward and he's really quite attractive. He's supposedly just turned his papers in for his mission but doesn't know where he's going yet. He doesn't look that young. he looks about 23. And he's SO cute! it sucks to be attracted to the younger ones. but, maybe it's my immature being reaching out. I do have a history with younger guys...just like my mommy. They're all leaving on missions now and the guys my age are coming back next year. which is a good thing, but sad. you see....i like 'em young. hehe!:) anyways, i'm sick of typing. love you all! xoxoxoxox