Ænima , The Chocolate Pie Saga

Jan 11, 2005 22:46

When listening to an album, you can sometimes see it from a different perspective.

Ænima , The Chocolate Pie Saga

Track One
-The line "Undeniable Dilemma" is referring to his choice of whether to cut the pie into slices or just dig in.
-The verse that begins with "Its not enough, I need more.." is referring to him taking a small taste of the pie.
-"Finger deep within the borderline" refers to him sticking his finger into the pie to get a better taste before he decides.
-"Knuckle deep/Elbow deep within the borderline" and the rest of the song means that he decided to just dig in with a spoon.

Track Two
-The overall feel of the song is the feeling of losing someone. This is obviously about him being sad that he ate everything but the crust.

Track Three
-"And as the walls come down.." this line refers to him finally eating the crust.

Track Four
"Useful Idiot"
-This is the person walking to try to go make another one.

Track Five
"46 & 2"
-"I've been crawling on my belly
Clearing out what could've been.
I've been wallowing in my own confused
And insecure delusions" This whole part is about him searching his whole house for another pie.
-Toward the end of the song, the mood lightens up a bit. This is where the phone rings, and he thinks it is his friend calling to bring him another pie.

Track Six
"Message to Harry Manback"
-This phone call is from his friend , who is rather pissed that he kicked him out and didnt give him any pie.

Track Seven
"Hooker with a penis"
-This song is about him telling off his friend on the phone because his friend told him to go on a diet.

Track Eight
-This track has a happy upbeat sound because he found another box of pie mix.

Track Nine
-This is where the whole album falls into a darker side. As he is sitting around waiting for the pie to bake, he recalls about the last time he had to wait on a pie, which was a time when he was in Ohio eating pies with his eleven year old friend named Jimmy.

Track Ten
"Die Eier von Satan"
-This song is about him accidently making the wrong recipe.

Track Eleven
-This whole song is about someone he loves that ends up fighting with him over the pie that he makes.

Track Twelve
"Cesaro Summability"
-This song is him crying because he lost the battle for the pie. Towards the end, his friend lightens up and gives him half of the pie.

Track Thirteen
-This part is him thinking about how much he hates this pie. The line that mentions tidal waves is about the chocolate in the pie melting and getting all over him.

Track Fourteen
"(-) ions"
-This track is the sound of the microwave when hes heating his pie back up.

Track Fifteen
"Third Eye"
-The finale of this album is mainly about all of his friends and family abandoning him because his obsession with pies.

This has been based on a story by Lyle Burris and Nils Matolay, and also on the album of Ænima by Tool.
This has been written entirely by Lyle Burris.
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