May 21, 2006 20:58
Help dig me out of this teenage hell! AAAAAAAH. I don't know. I've been kinda down lately. It probably has to do with the whole cleaning up emotions thing. I cleaned them all out, so I'd have nothing to feel, but the nothingness makes me sad. So, once again I have a full closet! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That should so be a lyric for a satirical "clinically depressed on acid" song. (Can you be depressed on acid? I don't know.)
Anyway, inbetween bouts of mopiness, and work, I started the book the DaVinci Code. It's sooo good so far! *loves a good mystery* I also finished the book Vampires and am in the middle of the book To Serve and Submit which totally sucks ass. I'm not even kidding. It's aweful. I probably won't finish the second half since DVC is so good. Well, the mosquitoes are having a blood feast at my expense. Tis the price of mooching free wireless internet.
Oh, but I made an interesting discovery one day while taking an adventure through the woods. I live by a swamp. Didn't know this. Just thought it was interesting that I went treking off into the wooded frontier only to find my way suddenly blocked by a great stagnant pool of water, moss, and freakishly loud frogs. Whoda thunkit?