(no subject)

Nov 24, 2004 14:57

Well I see people have taken a liking to my "five Good and five Bad" system, since I've seen them around now. Sheep. You are all SHEEP.

If I told you smearing jelly on your face and screaming "TASTE ME" was cool, would you do it?
Oh please, you know you would.

So we took an IQ test in Tate's class today. The highest anyone had gotten was a 132...which is really high. and 135 is off the charts. So... i got a 139...i feel like such a freak! EW. Somebody get me some big nerd glasses...
Maybe i should steal those Alma Threedle shorts back and wear them around. EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW. Well, im sure that will get me some "LITTLE BOY" comments.
Right. So im just kidding, im proud im smart. But its just wierd.
Im gonna be a sheep too and steal part of andi's system.

General: It's seriously bothering me that i don't act like myself around most of my friends. and it bugs the hell out of me.

Today: Good - annie and i helped out with the thanksgiving thing for the needy, which was cool.

Good 1. Found my strokes cd.
2. My BRO'S HoME!
3. MY BRO'S HOme!
5. No school for a bit.

Bad 1. i'm pissed at myself
2. no one reads this damn livejournal
3. no tofurkey to laugh at this year
4. your mother.
5. I'm broke. As usual.

Go Drink Coffee, you addict. Yah, I'm talking to myself.

luv erin
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