I'm home guys

Sep 19, 2004 21:20

Okay, I just got back today. A couple of hours ago, as a matter of fact.

I had SO much fun! I have not come home empty handed either, I have many stories. I didn’t get to do any sigh-seeing though. Oh well.

Let's start things off with Wednesday. After school I went and got things straightened out, and got a little name-tag thing made for work. Oh goodie. Then it was straight to the airport. I almost didn't make it onto the flight. I got stopped at the metal detector. Yep. The clasp on the back of my bra apparently set it off. I know this because I was frisked. Being patted down by some old woman is not my idea of a fun time guys. It was really awkward. I wonder how many times a day she has to do that...I bet she wouldn't mind it if she frisked some hot boys. I wouldn't. Anyways, I went to the barn to meet up with everyone, and we ended up going out to eat at Outback. Yum. Then everyone went back to the hotel, or trailer in Clare's case. I got good nights sleep, despite the room smelt like SMOKE. ICK.

So, that was me at the end of the day. Tired, and pissed off. haha.

Thursday: Woke up at 6 to go to the show. It was a rather uneventful day. Ronnie was determined to try my earrings on. I let him. His holes had closed up, so he went and got a safety pen and some rubbing alcohol. That solved that problem. He still couldn't fit mine through. He said he could fit one of my earrings through his pierced nipple though. I told him he couldn't try that. Ew. It was pretty funny though. He took his ring out and couldn't get it back in, and from a distance it just looked like he has his shirt up and was fondling himself. Haha. Thursday night was a pretty fun night. There was a barn party. Someone brought a margarita machine. I decided it made pretty good drinks. Hahaha. Is it my fault people kept giving them to me?? Didn't think so. It was good times, I remember then I went to K-mart and I was looking for the bathroom and I got lost for a while. I bought me a nice pair of khaki pants to show in the next day. YES. Then Leslie and I went swimming at the hotel. It was nice; there was a (somewhat) heated pool, and a spa type thing. Worst thing though, these two old men came in there and wouldn't stop watching us, so at like 11 ish we went to our rooms and went to bed. Long day ahead of us.

Friday: This is what I woke up to....Ronnie in Clare's earrings. Hahaha..

That day wasn't as eventful. I showed Cy in a class, and didn't get anything, but this other lady wanted me to show her horse in another class later on, I did and I got 6 out of 24. I get a pretty plaque and ribbon and everything. YES. lol. Let's see We went out to eat at some Italian restaurant that night. It was really good. After that Ronnie Leslie and I decided when we got back to the hotel, we'd go swimming. We agreed to meet there after we got done changing. Ronnie beat us down there, and when Les and I got to the pool it was about 6 12 year old girls simply drooling over Ronnie. (What makes it even funnier is he's 22, but he only looks maybe 17.) So of course they were trying to show off to him, and he was ignoring them as best he could. He was so happy when we got down there. They kinda left him alone. We stole him away. Haha. Now I'm kinda thinking we shoulda just let the 12 year old have him. He kept picking Leslie and I up and dunking us. *shakes head* Anyways, at about ten or so their moms, I guess, came in and told the girls it was bed time. Hahha. They were embarrassed. It was good stuff. After they left Ronnie was telling us that they were talking to him before we got there, and they were like "Hey! You're the guy at the blue stalls, right?" and then just being stupid. It was pretty funny. (Pools shouldn't be open until 12...) After that night, they always waved and giggled at Ronnie, he did the best he could just ignoring him. They were persistent. Anyways, I almost forgot to say, I went to the vending machine to get a bag of chips, and I stumbled upon this in the vending machine.

I definitely bought a box. hahha...that night in the pool, I was like "Hey Ronnie, look, there is this and an empty hotel room." and he was like "Where the hell did you get that?!" I was like "Don’t worry about it. Leslie can join us." She was like "Yeah." He was so confused. Leslie and I had it planned out, and we were laughing SO hard. I told him they were in the vending machine, and he started laughing too. What makes it even funnier, there was a sticker with directions on the back. Plus, you could cut off a coupon on the box and get a dollar rebate. They were only a dollar. Anyways, no worries people, nothing happened. Although, I think he did keep the box. hahaha...

We were up until the wee hours of the night as well....geez..

It was a long day as well. I had to get up at 6, be at the barn by 7 so I could show this other ladies horse at 8. 6 out of  like 24 again. I learned though, that it wasn’t just US nationals, but it was Canadian and US put together. YES. Haha…There was some turmoil that day though. Ronnie and Clare had it out. Geez. I guess they don’t have to worry about each other anymore though, This was Ronnie’s last show. My little heart just broke when I hear that, the only times I get to see Ronnie are at shows. He’s like a big brother to me I guess. But his mother is a vet, and she shows with our team at some shows, so I’ll call him up and tell him he better get his a up to the show. lol. It’ll be okay I guess.

We ate dinner at like 4 because it was going to be a long night. Clare’s last ride was going to be at 10 or 11 that night. Yeah, we didn’t leave the barn until about 12. I went back to the hotel and slept. I was supposed to get on the flight that left at 9:50. Yep. I missed it, so I waited there until 12:20 for the next flight. Melinda got on that one as well. I rode in first class though. It was nice.

So, now I’m home…I’ve gotta go to school and WORK tomorrow. BOO.

Here are pictures, I messed up on thie entry the first time...so I'm just putting all the pics down here, they aren't in any order

hotel room.

Me after the flight..lol


Me, Leslie and Eagle before their class.

random landscape

Me and Eagle before our class..

Ronnie in Clare's earrings

That's where i spent like over 12 hours of all my days last week. :) lol

Leslie sitting infront of the stalls.

I just had to take a picture of what I found in the vending machine..hahah

Leslie, Ronnie and me on saturday when it was FREEZING. I just noticed how short I am...I swear though, when I'm standing up straight I'm just as tall as Ronnie. lol Does Ron really look 22?? No, more like 17..maybe.

That's me and Eagle's mommy and what we won. :) She let me keep everything. What a nice lady!!
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