I want my jar of dirt!

Sep 26, 2006 20:20

*Name: Brandi
*Age (you must be at least 13): Will be 19 in a few short days.
*Location: In my house
*Piratey phrase of choice (ex: savvy, mate?): Arr, matey! We've hit land!
*Five positive adjectives to describe you:
Bold: I will say and do as I please and am not easily tamed or frightened out of doing what I want. I'm not exactly good at hiding my feelings, either.
Spontaneous: It's impossible for me to live by a routine. I rarely make an itenerary unless I absolutely have to. If it enters my mind that I want to go somewhere or do something different, I'll usually go with it. This was a huge issue in school because if my friends called to ask me to go out with them, I usually went, no matter how much homework I had.
Creative: Art was my best subject in school. I can probably draw and paint better than I can count, sadly enough. I'm also creative in that I can make up some awesome and believable excuses to get myself out of things. XD
Open: I really don't mind sharing things and I'm a pretty blunt person. I don't like lying about things or concealing anything I think should be pointed out or shared.
Passionate: In arguments, I don't restrain any feeling. I'll argue in a debate until the death of it if I feel strongly enough about the issue and feel like I'm in the right. I also defend the things I like if they're being criticized, even if I end up coming across as dorky.
*Five negative adjectives to describe you:
Stubborn: I'm pretty set in my ways. I don't like changing my attitude or opinion for anyone, even if it would cost me. I'm prideful like that.
Impatient: I hate waiting for things, mostly because I think that if I don't get what I want right away, it'll either slip away or no longer be available. I hate waiting for my paycheck or getting packages in the mail. I usually need to use my paycheck right away on something or use whatever is being sent to me A.S.A.P.
Lazy: I usually don't like doing any more than what is required of me. And sometimes even less than that.
Disorganized: My room is completely cluttered. I can never find anything and always misplace things and it'll take me days to find them again. When I was in school I didn't do so well on those wretched notebook tests because mine were never organized. I'm too impatient and never had enough time to organize my things in class. I don't know how others did.
Cynical: I have a difficult time trusting people or concepts. I usually keep to myself and only really trust myself. I try to delve beyond appearances and never accept anything at face value.
*If you could be a pirate, what would the name of your ship be and who would crew it? Or...would you not be a pirate at all? In that case - how would you feel/deal with piracy? WHY? My ship's name would be the Fiery Opal. I would subject potential crew members to sort of mind tests so that I could determine who would remain loyal to me and who would turn into scurvy, cowardly knaves. I would accept only the bravest with the truest of intentions. There'd be no disloyalty on the Fiery Opal. Also, I would require my entire crew to be very cleanly. One unappealing thing about being a pirate is the dirt and smellyness, which I would not tolerate. Everyone would have to bathe a few times a week and keep the ship clean. I knew this is almost impossible for pirates, but under my rule, we would somehow manage.
*You find and open the Dead Man's Chest. What do you do with the heart of Davy Jones? Why? Stab the crap out of it! Sure it can be used to obtain what one wants and manipulate others, but I'd want to be known as the one who got rid of Davy Jones for good so that innocent lives could be spared. Perhaps I would use it for my advantage for a little while if the opportunity should arise.. but, well, the thing is gross. And needs to be destroyed eventually.
*Where is your home? (ex. Port Royal, the Black Pearl, the Isla De Muerta etc...) and why? My ship, the Fiery Opal, though when I want a break from the shakey sea life and want to live luxuriously, I'd vacation on Port Royal. Also during hurricane season. :D
* Congrats, you found the treasure you've been searching for. Now...what is it? What is it that you've searched for and longed for? Why? (Note: It can be either tangibe or intangible, meaning it can be gold or something abstract like freedom): I guess it would be the truth. The truth to all the questions I have to ask, regarding religion and success.
*Where would YOUR compass that doesn't point north point to? What is your deepest desire? Why? My deepest desire is to succeed at something I'm good at and live happily. Also to settle down with my true love. I suppose my compass would point to my true love.
*Will Liz end up with Jack or Will? Norrington? Hey, STFU, I'm curious what other people think. I don't think she'll end up with Jack because Jack will just not be tied to anything, especially one woman. He's too indepedent for that. Not to mention too much of a player. She might end up with Norrington if he somehow reforms himself and becomes less of an asshole. But really, although I don't think she deserves Will, she will probably end up with him. I see them two being really pissed off and refusing to talk to each other in the beginning of the next movie but about half way into it, making up. And Elizabeth had better apologize pretty damn good.
*Decribe yourself in a word...I know it is tough, but try your best: Complex
*Anything else you'd like to share? My back hurts pretty badly right now! And OH.. my birthday is in a week!
*Post at least two CLEAR pictures of yourself, please. If you don't feel comfortable with this, or don't have any, please describe yourself physically as honestly as possible:

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