Aug 10, 2005 01:25
Shadow of Lyte: lol Ive got like this 5 o clock shadow thing going
Shadow of Lyte: So lazy lol
AFatalDream: thats hot...
AFatalDream: haha
Shadow of Lyte: I should get mutton chops
Shadow of Lyte: lmao
AFatalDream: sick
AFatalDream: id shave that off
Shadow of Lyte: lmao
Shadow of Lyte: Get a soul patch
Shadow of Lyte: For the love of god
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Shadow of Lyte: Scared the hell out of me
Shadow of Lyte: So Im brushing my teeth right
Shadow of Lyte: Only we have a broken water main out here somewhere
Shadow of Lyte: and like the water has been on and off all day
Shadow of Lyte: So when I run the water to rinse out my mouth
Shadow of Lyte: BAM
Shadow of Lyte: Comes out like a cannon
Shadow of Lyte: So for a test I flush the toilet, the pipes growled at me
Shadow of Lyte: I swear to god they growls
Shadow of Lyte: growled*
Shadow of Lyte: And thats when I said
Shadow of Lyte: Wall, what wall, clearly Im talking to someone responsive
Shadow of Lyte: Yes. Responsive.
Shadow of Lyte: Row row row your boat
Shadow of Lyte: Gently down the stream
Shadow of Lyte: Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Shadow of Lyte: Life is but a dream
Shadow of Lyte: Oh I wish I was an oscar meyer weiner
Shadow of Lyte: That is what I truly wish to be
Shadow of Lyte: Something something something
Shadow of Lyte: BUST A MOVE!!!
Shadow of Lyte: Whats the difference between you
Shadow of Lyte: And a mime
Shadow of Lyte: NOTHING
Shadow of Lyte: Get it!
Shadow of Lyte: GET it!
Shadow of Lyte: GET IT!!!!
Shadow of Lyte: Clowns.
Shadow of Lyte: Does that even phase you
Shadow of Lyte: Are you listening?
Shadow of Lyte: You never take me out anymore..
AFatalDream: lol
Shadow of Lyte: lol
Shadow of Lyte: FINALLY
AFatalDream: i dont need to take oyu out
AFatalDream: you never took me out.
Shadow of Lyte: Well maybe if someone had paid attention to my needs!
Shadow of Lyte: You never bought me nice things
Well would you look at that, it can be done!