WORDS! meme and lulz pic!

Jun 24, 2009 02:09


Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them on your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

Tagged by: yinake

She gave me...

- Height:
My darling Near decided to be a bully and tease me about my height, which is a freakish 5'11". Sooo I'm pretty tall for a teenage girl. I actually like the fact that I'm this tall, despite how much I may complain about it. There are lots of benefits! I rarely get carded when I go to 18+ concerts, so yay!

- L:
Of course she'd pick L! To this day, I still harbor a deep love for my favorite fictional character, L Lawliet from Death Note. There was a time when I was really in love with him. I'm not going to go into too much detail there, because it was pretty unhealthy and weird. But anywaaaays. Yeah, I love everything about him. Not just his looks, and his awesome status. I love his sadistic side, and the part of him that's slightly evil, slightly inhumane. He's not perfect and good, like people always like to say. He's willing to use not-so-saintly methods to get what he wants, yet he never abuses his power and title. It's so awesome. The way he sits, how he eats, his formal way of speaking, the way he almost ripped Light's dick off in Poison Apple... I love him so much. *sobs*

- Weed:
Oh, fuck yeah! So. Marijuana. Mary Jane. Mary Joanna. Ganja. Cannibas. Trees. It goes by many names, but either way, you inhale it. It makes you float. XD

I love the stuff, I really do. I'm not some sit-on-your-ass-pothead, and I usually just use it medicinally. I have chronic migraines and back problems, so ha. But I hate when people judge me for not being a straight-edge hate-weed kind of person. It's NOT a drug. It's a friggen herb. An herb that will inebriate you if you smoke it. I'm not telling people to go grab some weed and start toking up, I'm just saying that it's not as horrible as those commercial's make it out to be. There are no long-term effects and it doesn't necessarily make people stupid. Would they give it to sick people if it was unhealthy? No.

Enough of my ranting. WEED IS GOOD.

- Sister:
I'm guessing she gave me this because my big sister Ashley is a topic of conversation every once in a while. Alright, she just turned 21, she's a lot less mature than me, she's a homewrecker, she needs to get a fucking job, get her drivers license, and stop being so dependent on me. I love her to death, and she's one of my best friends, but I'm hard on her because she needs someone to call her on her shit.

There are a lot of things that irritate me about her. She listens to emo, scene, scremo, and 'techno-pop' which is annoying enough. Plus she dresses scene, and take pictures of her mirror image with her hair all fluffed up which REALLY irritates me. And she copies me a lot, and tries to feed off my utter originality. But I still love her.

- Friend:
Hmmm. I'm not completely sure about why this word came up. XD Well, I guess I'll define what a friend means to me. Or something...

I think a friend is someone who you can get along with and have fun with. Friends don't always have to be someone who you can talk to, or someone who can give you stuff. Sometimes friendship is all about having fun, and having a relationship that won't be broken. But sometimes you are looking for a friend who can relate to you, help you with your problems and in turn, you'll help them. It's awesome when people have friends with all these qualities.

In RL, I don't really have many friends. What friends I do have, I can have fun with them, but I can't completely be myself with them, or really talk to them. I have a nice bunch of online friends though! YAY! My best online pal is the one who I got this meme from yinake. She's awesomeness! We have loads of fun talking, RP'ing, fangirling, debating, and just about anything. And we can actually talk about stuff together, which is really cool. So thanks for being a great friend, Neary-boo!

I found this pic on Photobucket... Nurse!L... MY FANTASIES HAVE COME TRUE!!!1!1one!!

word meme friend height l weed sister ra

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