CG Flashfic - Synthetic

Apr 30, 2009 21:16

LJ username: snowdevil_crow
Four characters/pairings: SuzaLuluEuphie (threesome, not triangle), KaLuluCC (same), SuzaNana, Zero.
Genres: gen, angst, drama, fluff, yaoi, lemon, het, yuri, back-story, crack
Maximum rating: NC-17
Dislikes: Parody, grossly OOC-ness, bashing, overly romantic anything.

A/N: Well, hope I didn't screw it up too much. I suck at writing threesomes and I doubt I'd have a thousand words to say about Zero, so this is what I have, yo.

It was what he would’ve wanted.

That’s what they told themselves. Whenever they argued, whenever he lied, or she cried, that’s what they told themselves. It was what Lelouch would have wanted… And despite his death, who were they to deny his wish? Who were they to deny the man who sold himself for the world, the man that destroyed and created, the man they loved so much it hurt.

Now, they were mere servants to humanity. Confined to title and status for the sake of peace. Nunnally was the Britannian Empress now, nothing but death or resignation would change that. Suzaku Kururugi was dead to the world, and stuck behind the mask of Zero, the Knight of Justice. Being the only two people in the know, it was only instinctive that they sought each other out, for comfort, for solace, but in the end it seemed to bring them more pain. By now, even pain was just a pulse reverberating throughout their ever numb bodies. Still, it wasn’t a good feeling…

That day. Should they say it was cursed or blessed?

She shook hands with Kaname Ohgi, Zero at her side, loyally. Nunnally could finally see the world again, and she saw recuperation. People working together to salvage what good was left in the old world, and make it something fitting for the new one. In a twisted way, she found such a sight beautiful. Though they had all made sacrifices, she knew Lelouch’s was the greatest. The memory of him, the sound of his voice, Lelouch tucking her into bed, holding her hand… She asked ‘Zero’ to kindly take her back to her chambers, but she hardly made it there in one piece. Shaking, damn near convulsing; so close to breaking in two, maybe three, if fate truly hated her.

The poor girl almost felt as if she was going blind again, tears making her living quarters look like a blurred, underwater city. Suzaku’s hand warmed hers instantly, and she blinked away the moisture only to find it mirrored in his emerald gems.

“D-Did he have to destroy himself along with the old world?” Nunnally asked, already knowing the answer, asking it only because of a rather childish yearning.

“It was for atonement also,” He replied, but oh, she knew. “Lelouch and I, we both sinned. This is how we pay for what we’ve done.” There was a bitter edge cutting through his voice.

The empress nodded her understanding, but hot tears ran fast and true down her delicate face, sobs racking through her small frame. Suzaku held her tightly; as if afraid she really would break. Zero: her knight, her friend, her only solace. He didn’t know why he did what he did, but when he looked in her eyes (so much like Euphemia’s) and visually traced the outline of her face (soft and pretty like Lelouch’s) he kissed her. It was meant as a soft ‘I’m-here-for-you’ gesture, but the results were still the same. They pulled away, confusion, anger, anxiety, and pure need in their eyes, before connecting at the mouth once again. It was as though the kiss was some sort of desperate psychological fix for both of them. But what they had wasn’t real enough to be declared, nor was it true enough to be surreptitious. It just was.

They should have known better; a relationship that is fake and illusory shouldn’t exist.

While justifying had been one of the more awkward parts of both their lives, they got through it with a bit of dignity to spare.

“He wanted me to protect you, Nana, physically, of course, but mentally and emotionally too. I think that…”

“He would’ve wanted it this way.” She finished Suzaku’s sentence, and nervously met his gaze.

It stayed that way for a while, a weird sort of happy for the both of them. Shy smiles, understanding tears, and gentle kisses that made roses grace their cheeks went on for almost a year. The two embraced the memory of the man they loved, and they held fast to the present, for neither knew what the future would bring.

But with time came conflict, something both of them ought to have foreseen. Nunnally was getting tired of pretending not to see through Suzaku’s recent lies, and Suzaku was avoiding confronting Nunnally of her current show of distance.

At first, she acted indifferent to when he would come late, and when he would hold her hand and smile a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. She ignored the false cheeriness in his voice, and how his eyes would so rarely meet her own. She grew bitter towards him, and instead of asking why, she allowed the tension to linger in the air around them. Relationships were supposed to be honest, but what about relationships born of dishonesty?

Suzaku didn’t mean to be dishonest and fake, of course, but he had to pretend to be happy for Nunnally. He was a living lie; a walking, talking, breathing lie, with no sense of self. Being Zero forever was his punishment, which he accepted, but living through a mask was no walk in the park without Lelouch. He wanted to make Nunnally happy, he truly did, but he was unconscious of the fact that he rolled to the other side of the bed instead of holding her small frame as she slept, like he used to. Detachment seemed to affect them without them even being aware of it.

Were they really living at all? Were they truly even alive anymore?


It was snowing and they found themselves standing at Suzaku’s faux grave. He found himself wishing that he could be in it, and that his dream of death would finally come true. It was a selfish thought in his opinion, and he knew that he didn’t even deserve such salvation. Nunnally wished that the real Suzaku wasn’t dead. She yearned for the lively, optimistic boy with joyful eyes, and dazzling smiles. She knew that he was gone, and that she was too.

Words were unnecessary.

Lilac met jade and the first true smiles in months made their way across the two faces. They laughed, they cried, the knew it was over, but yet they still had each other. Suzaku and Nunnally would always be the closest of friends, and bound by a legendary man who died in Earth’s name. They knew that asking for love would be asking each other too much, but by now, love was the farthest thing from their minds. Happiness wasn’t yet on the agenda, but they wouldn’t give up hope. They would recuperate, just like the rest of the world, and everything would be…alright.

That’s what he would’ve wanted…

A/N: Originally, yinake told me to make them get married at the end, but I just couldn't visualize it. He was supposed to be married to Lelouch! XD

cg flashfic suzaku nunnally angst synthe

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