The Five Minutes It Took Carl to Realise Pete Was Joking When He Said He Was Pregnant
short & sweet.
12:38pm: "Carlos," Peter says, his lip wobbling, his eyes filled with tears. He can't continue; he's not looking Carl in the eye, he's looking at the ground, at his feet-in-Carl's-old-socks. "Carlos," he says again, sighing in short breaths. "Carlos, I'm. . .I'm pregnant."
12:39pm: Carl can't fucking believe it. But Peter's eyes are spilling over with teardrops and he's sniffling, his hands pressed against his tummy. Still can't look Carl in the eye.
12:40pm: "Fuck!" he says. "Oh Peter, fuck!" and falls silent. Peter covers his face with his hands, shoulders shaking.
12:41pm: He takes Peter's chin and tilts Peter's face up to him and brushes Pete's hands away from his face. Pete's tearful eyes are already sparkling with a maternal glow. "It's ok," Carl says. "We can do this, can't we?"
12:42pm: Such a beautiful maternal glow. Pete's lips curve up into a smile. "Oh Carlos, I love you." "I love you too," says Carlos. Pete bursts out laughing. Carl wrenches away, horrified.
12:43pm: "Peter, you fucking bastard! You arse-cuddling cunt!" Pete cackles as Carl curses. "Carlos you divvy, men can't get pregnant!"
12:44pm: Carl punches Pete square in the jaw.