Put that batting around the ceramic village!

Jan 22, 2005 20:08

The snow is so sparkly it looks fake. Like that fake snow/glitter they spray around Santa in the mall. It's mesmerizing. I would stare at it all night and listen to its whisper if it didn't mean freezing to death.

From the look of the supermarket you would think that everyone was stocking their bomb shelters for the next 15 years. "Buy bottled water! Get batteries! Who knows when we will be able to dig out? I hear it's the apocalypse. Canned goods, now!" They really know how to hype a storm around here. We all love a good panic. I think it makes us feel like everyday is not the same. Despite camaraderie of bundling up to face Nature, everyone in shopping mode was shouldering their neighbors without even a nod of apology. Just cold New Englanders with their heated confrontations, "Get away from my can of Campbell's bitch!" The lines stretched half way down all the aisles, two deep and blocking traffic. Madness I tell you. Madness.

"Don't Mix the Colors" may be my favorite thing Courtney Love has ever sung. It's on the Kill Rock Stars: Kill Rock Stars album and it doesn't even sound like her. Acoustic guitars and controlled vocal stylings? Different and good I say. Very good.
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