По поводу IPAD

Apr 18, 2010 12:53

On Israel's iPad ban
The Wall Street Journal unearths an interesting tidbit in a piece on tech-savvy Israel's puzzling ban of the Apple iPad, which Israeli customs authorities have since last Tuesday been confiscating from travelers arriving at Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport.

Israeli officials say the devices's U.S.-based WiFi signals are too strong. But the Journal reports the rationale is puzzling, since the iPad WiFi signals are no stronger or even smaller than those of Blackberrys, laptops and other devices travelers have brought into Israel without incident for years.

The piece goes on to note that the company that has exclusive rights to sell Apple products in Israel is owned by the son of Israeli President Shimon Peres, Nehemia Peres:

Apple has long lacked a strong presence in Israel. That began to change in late 2008, after Nehemia Peres, the son of Israeli President Shimon Peres, bought the company that has exclusive rights to sell Apple products in Israel, iDigital. Israel's first Apple store opened in Tel Aviv in January 2009. iDigital couldn't be reached for comment about the ministry's decision to ban imports of the iPad.

Chemia Peres has been a high tech entrepeneur in Israel for many years, an Israeli colleague says.


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