Dec 28, 2008 20:55
Great title, huh? It seems fitting for my mood. I'm feeling kind of blah. Not the sick blah, but the "what am I gonna do now?" blah. I feel used and useless. I was in near complete control of my job, but was abandoned by my superiors. I need to be doing something, but I'm seriously terrified of being left alone with a job that is too big for me. I know that I'll find a way to manage, but superiors are there to help guide and to make sure the job gets done right and on time. I feel good about Warren, he's a good boss. I know he'll always be fair and he will always be there when I need him. But what about another boss? Will they be as willing to be there? Doubt it. What about the army? Can I trust them? No. Not really. They let me fall in the first place. Seriously, if you're gonna be an NCO, be a fucking NCO! Don't let your soldiers take the wrap for your errors, don't leave them with the officers and expect that they can handle it, don't vanish and not tell your soldiers where you went. That was the worst one.. trying to figure out what to tell someone when they came looking for you. Let's face it, by the end everyone knew you were out playing fucking horse shoes. I couldn't lie to my officers and say you were doing official business down at the other end of the base. I told them the truth and I made you look like the idiots you are. You have shamed the backbone of the army, you failed your soldiers when they needed you most, and you have little faith in the soldiers still under you. They are good soldiers and if you quite belittling them you'd know that too. I hated calling you by your rank. You wonder why I changed your system? Because it sucked and was far too time consuming to actually do any good. I changed things for the better, but you didn't let me have time with the other soldiers to train them right. You kept making them do bullshit tasks that had nothing to do with their actual job. I pray that you NCOER reflects all that I have stated and if it doesn't I hope the taste of ass in your mouth was worth it.
And you wonder why people mistrust the army?