To the big white grin. This is how I feel. Listen. Talk to me. I want to hear you.

Mar 12, 2009 22:30

I know who my real friends are I really do I know who thinks about me I know what they think I know when they lie through their teeth I can see it I can feel it it makes me want to throw up because they sicken me and I'm sick of it and I want to punch them they don't care about me I know.

I know who you are.

Don't lie to me anymore.

I'm eating an orange I'm sitting here eating an orange and I think wow this orange must love me it brings me all this joy and it's orange and I know an orange that cares but doesn't show it and I know a bunch of other colors that don't care and pretend to show they do but they don't.

Why don't they care!

Where is your heart!

I feel so alone don't lie to me I know you don't care.

You don't know I have to hug myself all the time I cry sometimes because I'm all alone and all my friends are fake I want to hug you why do I care so much about you you don't care about me you don't deserve it but I love you I care too much why do I care so much why don't you care about me.

Why don't I think in the same why you do why don't I feel the same way you do why do you think I'm too weird to care about why don't you invite me places why don't you want to know about my life.

Don't lie to me don't lie to yourself I know.

I have a couple friends I have a couple real good friends they don't lie to me they're there. Why do I only have a couple good friends?

Why do you go along with all your other fake friends who probably don't even care about you they just want to find a boyfriend they can marry and be boring and spend all their fucking time with the fucking boyfriend they just want purity rings so they can get married they just want a white picket fence.

All I want is love where is your love for me I have so much love to give I give you all my love I want to hang out with you but I just sit at home I'm not busy just call me up why don't you call me I want to hang out.

There is an orange that sits at home and she is a good person and she is a good person and she is a good person and she cares but she doesn't act and she should act because most people don't care they don't they really don't. She cares and she should act.

And if you care you should stop faking it and be real for once. And if you don't care then leave me the fuck alone and stop pretending.

To everyone I love you why don't you love me?
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