No LJcut because I'm using my phone. For that same reason, I'm not going to talk... That much.
I like Taiga's clothes...wait, it looks something Uekusa's worn before! That thing he does at the end of the opening is ♥ BIS got the hideous pink costumes I've been hating.
Taiga and Uekusa sound really nice♥♥♥ Kizuna♥♥♥ ...UGH DARNED SMOKE GET OUTTA MY FACE YOU'RE BLOCKING MY VIEW. Did not see them that well, let me recollect my thoughts some other time D=
...before anything else, Ueda's hair. o_____o Koki's hair too.
I think I like RESCUE more than One Drop. Didn't see Taiga much... You looked good, boy ♥ first reaction was WTH, Yodogawa!? Not in a bad way, just surprised. I like the song 8D
Nekketsu Jr League, reeeveeeenge! Um, funny, but I didn't pay much attention because Nika. xD and Akun, jumproping XD
Mis Snow Man with No More Wait! ...Nozawa's hair is different. Brother and mom lol-ing all over the place because they find the title hilarious. Then BIS with Aishiteru Aishitenai. ...aka the part where my mom chooses to talk about something she found in a magazine. (lol, I kept writing magaijin)
Jr. ni Q. I was in the middle of reading Taiga's answer but then the camera zoomed out )= Noeru, Ookawa, Hagiya (whose voice is deeper than I expected, and is taller than me @_____@), that thirteen yeaar old Gocchi brought in... They look like they're filming in a kitchen, lalala~
Otegami~ Tama-chan calls Kitayama Kitamitsu, then stuff... Kawaii otouto? D'awww. Shabu shabu? And what's with the sound effect? XD
Kis-My-Et2 with a lot of hipshaking before Kis-My-Calling! lol, Nika falling over XD ...Did I ever mention that I like that song? Didn't leave as big as an impression as the first perf though. Kis-My-Falling XD
Anniversary. It's a KinKi Kids song, right? ...random, but endings show how many juniors are younger than 16. XD
Mom is convinced Kitayama looks like Yamada o____o