I'm So Biased When I Watch Shonen Club

Dec 14, 2008 21:22

HEY LOOK. TAIGA AND UEKUSA WERE INTRODUCED TOGETHER. Sorry Uekusa, I ignored you again. *absent minded* But Taiga askhf;slafhaslkfhsalksa INCOHERENCE PRZ. I LIKE YOUR DANCING VERY VERY MUCH. Shinchan was introduced with HipHopJUMP (spaces, wtf?) Where's Anderson? XDD; Hay. Shoon's dancing in between Taiga-Uekusa. Eeehee?

Heeeyyy. Kaze no Mukou e. They change costumes pretty fast. I SEE YOU AGAIN TAIGA. AND UEKUSA. In the A Ha Ha suits.  Shinchan is so cute. Ohaaaa~ I don't know the song because I'm too lazy to read. XDD; I was half-expecting Chinen's We Can Dream line, lololol. You have witnessed my fail.

...Hasshi was stomping in place. o_o;; What's? Heisei post. XDD; And it's during this segment when I realize that I have a tag for My Toes Are Cold. YAY! What about Star Seeker?

...Ohhhh.. It's JARK In My Soul, yooo.  Chibis appear in red later in the song. HEY, I CAN FINALLY SPOT ANDERSON. Oh, hi Taiga. XDD; Di I mention that I like your dancing veeeery much? (you witness my fail of good things to say =_=;;) Hey, now that A.B.C-Z's A.B.C-Z, they can make a star! Five points! SEEE? lol I fail.

NEWS, Kanjani8, and KAT-TUN special medley. 8D ...Uh, this only the second time I've heard Nakamaru beatbox. *fail* lolololololol! XDD; Had to stop paying attention because I can has exams tomorrow. =_="

No attention during Jr. League either. EXAMS, ATTENTION SPAN, ALL OF YOU FAIL SO MUCH. But lol@their dancing. XDD; Seishun Amigo while walking around the chairs, lolwhut. Yay, Nokkun wins...? XDD; What's happening now? I hear Sekai ni Hitotsu dake No Hana. Tsuka-chan's butt-attack-thing lol.

Question? with Mezamero!Yasei. ...still doing math. ;___;

Petit? Hanh? Attention span and willingness to try and read the sign fail. ...Senga lolololol. WHAT IS THAT HE'S WEARING. XDDD;Uekusa. XDD;  Tagai's monomane. XDDD; LIKE A THOUSAND PEOPLE AGAIN. XDD; ...Not that I'm complaining or anything... Maruyama pops in so many times, lololol. I can't remember everyone he monomane'd. I can remember Kitayama, Yamada, Yamapi, Ryo... and that's it because my brain went dead? LOL FAIL. Juri and Myuto, so cute. XDD; ...HAY. I'm downloading this. XDD;

....Went back to studying during Kisumai's part. Inori, yes?

Some announcement 'bout the Christmas SP.

Days. Stared at Taipi's hat, period.

my toes are cold, je controls my life, you have witnessed my fail, shokura kills my brain

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