Jun 05, 2010 11:53
[Non-drone filter]
Greetings, Mayfield. I do not believe I have made a full, formal introduction yet. My name is Soranik Natu of the Green Lantern Corps. I have only been here for slightly under three weeks, but I have received some rather good information about the circumstances of this town and its people and have been adjusting as well as I can. I am a doctor by trade and a soldier by necessity, so if any of you have any medical problems or would like to train together, please let me know. I will be working with Dr. Crane during the week, but am also available for personal consultation at any time by means of a simple phone call. I look forward to meeting more of you as time goes on.
[Second call; filtered from Russia]
Can anyone provide me with information on a man calling himself Russia? Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated.