Ehhh I have done had enough of this My Space Ego Trip

Feb 18, 2008 18:24

Hmmm, Everyone has issues with MySpace sometimes and everyone deals with it in different ways. No I didn't get harassed. No I didn't get cracked or faked spammed or even got that weird HTML bug.
But... Honestly I had enough of MySpace. The only reasoned I stayed was to make it pretty like a normal website. The main reason is that being I really don't have any friends... I chose love and devotion over them. But, it's not like I ignore them on purpose. I think every happy couple would choose their boyfriend/girlfriend over their friends. But oh well so I just deleted my account and I actually don't feel any different. Yeah I could of have Posted a Bulletin and hoped someone could respond... But why bother I only go on Once a week if I feel like it. Honestly I could do like my sister does and Delete every person on my friends list then periodically add them back in and then get all depressed that no one messages me 'tear' LOL, then start all over.

Nope... I actually realized if my friends want to stay in contact with me then they can do it the Old Fashion way... Call Me...

So that's it. That's all I have to say... about that.
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