Dec 11, 2005 22:11
I am amazed this shit is still here. I am even more amazed that I knew my password. You are right - I didn't. I had it emailed to me.
Anyways, holy shit. I don't even know where to begin. I am actually kind of glad I stumbled across this thing, because I am going to be compiling alot of information on myself, my activities, and my thoughts starting on Jan. 1 of this year. Something that I do on a daily basis - on the kind of scale to where I can't monitor the changes as they happen.
Usually you have to look back and you go "holy shit, things have changed" but my theory is that things are always changing and a sudden change is a rare thing - that most occurences and "big" changes all have signs. Everything has a sign or a warning or a pre-existence essence of some sort that you can notice - its just a matter of what/when you need to look.
It will basically be a diary on steroids. It is going to document me as I make my transition from high school dumbass to who I will be upon either a)pursuing a career with my Criminal Justice degree in the next 18 months to 2 years OR b)making it in the Wild Wild World of Music in a band.
Those are my 2 goals - my two destinies - and one WILL be fulfilled. And I will be documenting from Jan. 1 onward, because the time to clean up my act and become a fully functioning adult is 18 months away. Health insurance, car notes, mortgages, car insurance, dental insurance, home insurance, etc. The REAL world shit that our parents bitch about.
So, the documentation begins soon. The metamorphisis is coming. And what I find interesting is that I am totally happy with either ending. So bring it on. Let's see where fate/destiny/chance/God/luck takes me. And let's see what the hell is going to happen from me being a stupid beer drinking, pot smoking, guitar playing, 3.0 GPA college kid to being whatever the hell I will become - because I have no clue.
It all begins Jan. 1.
I am kicking down the doors and running full speed ahead. Those are my 2 goals and nothing will stop me.
And later in life I will look back at all this shit (because I will back it up and save it and archive it) and see if I can get anything out of it - how to best help my kids at this ridiculous stage in life, donate it to psychological/sociological/whatever research, SOMETHING. Maybe use it to prove my worth when Judgement Day comes - or prove my uselessness.
Let the great experiment begin,
- Brandon R. Bond