Nov 09, 2003 22:30
I want to thank everyone who showed up last night! I had a really great time!
The night started out slow. I made pasta for Mei Ling, Jacob, and I while we wated for Tamara to show up... then things started picking up. The next thing I knew the house was trashed and there were ballon animals EVERYWHERE!!! But it was great! I was so glad to see Heather and Monica! I haven't seen them forver! I also got to meet Heather's boyfriend, Copper, who seems pretty rad! I have never seen Heather so happy before and that's even more rad! I was very happy! Now if only I can get them to come hang out with us more often!!
Anyway I just spent two hours cleaning the house! It was definatly worth it! I am going to start planning our next project! :P
I think I will post this as a public entry??