Season 2s that were better than Season 1s

Dec 29, 2010 11:20

I know some people are hating on V or thinking it's going to get cancelled this season, but it IS possible for a show to become a break-out hit or improve tremendously in its second season.

These are the shows that come to mind when I think about Season 2s:

Parks and Recreation

Season 1 was okay.  It wasn't fantastic, but it was okay.  For me, it didn't actually become funny until "The Banquet" (and that is the episode before the Season 1 finale).

But, Season 2?  Was like it became this whole other thing that was hilarious and actually the best comedy NBC had on Thursday night and that's coming from a huge 30 Rock fan (but, let's be honest, some of Season 4 was wretched).  Season 2 had GREAT episodes, it was consistently funny, and everyone among the cast could really shine.

Parks and Rec is definitely one of those shows that if you gave up on it in Season 1, you should try again because Season 2 was AMAZING.


I've only seen the first few episodes of Season 1 so far, so I can't really speak on this too much, but from what I've heard Fringe Season 1 (like, Parks and Recreation, above) is okay, but Season 2 is SO MUCH BETTER (and I've heard this from several different sources, both in person and online).  I'm actually really looking forward to see if this is true for myself.

The Office

Season 1 of The Office has some funny episodes, for sure.  "The Alliance" is one of my all-time favorites.  But, NBC's American offering of The Office didn't become the huge hit that it did until Season 2, starting with "The Dundies".  Season 2 has greats like "Office Olympics", "The Fire", "Performance Review", "E-mail Surveillance", "Booze Cruise", "The Injury", and "Casino Night".

Season 2 of The Office is not only when that series became great, it's actually the greatest season.  Period.


For any Ross/Rachel shipper, Season 2 of Friends was the best.  Or, at least, it is to me.  Whenever I want to pop one of my DVDs in to rewatch, it's usually from Season 2.


I liked the first season of LOST, but let's be honest.  Season 2 was where it really picked up into something truly fascinating.  Season 2 introduced Henry Gale/Benjamin Linus, Desmond Hume, and the Dharma Initiative (the show wouldn't have been as great without them).

That's it for now, but I'm sure these aren't the only TV shows in which Season 2 was either better than the first or is when the show really found its footing and became great.  I have that hope for V this season. 

tv: v, tv: friends, tv: the office, tv: parks and recreation, tv: lost, tv: fringe

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