NBC Comedy Night Done Right

Oct 09, 2009 09:45

If Parks & Recreation gets cancelled in the near future, like all the rumors like to insinuate, that would be a real shame because it's been SO consistently funny.

Not only is Amy great, but Rashida has stepped up (and I've had to warm up to her in this because of me having to put Karen passed me), and the guys who play Tom and Ron just leave me in stitches with every scene they're in.

P&R and Community have been so consistent in the laughs that they just make me feel like The Office has been falling very flat, lately.  I watch Community and P&R and I leave those shows with tears from having laughed til I cried and then, I watch The Office and I hardly laugh at all.

I can't nail down what it is, exactly, but I think The Office has either fallen into a rut or in some cases, because they're missing those funny moments from their side/B-characters that used to be so wonderful.  We don't get as many great Darryl jokes anymore.  They lost Holly Flax, who was such a breath of fresh air.  And, doing things like having Stanley cheat on his wife and Dwight sleep with a girl and treat her like crap the next day kinda turns me off from those great funny guys.  The only people I feel like are still bringin' it on The Office are the characters of Michael and Andy.

It's just like, with P&R, you have Tom and Ron and Community, you have folks like Senor Chang and Pierce.  You HAVE to have those B-players to help out every once in a while.  You can't just depend on your leads ALL THE TIME.

I don't know.  I don't know what it is that has made The Office seem so un-funny to me, lately.  I mean, every now and then, like with Dwight kickin' that girl in the face at Jam's wedding made me laugh, but then I'm a total sucker for physical comedy.  I think it's the jokes that seem off.

I hope The Office picks up again.  I really do.

30 Rock is going to be great, from everything I've seen and heard.  I know it sounds strange, but I can't wait for the porn stars to show up :)  Let's be honest, Porn Stars = Crazy!Tracy and that is what we all want, am I right?

30 Rock's premieres are thought of to start off slowly, but I, personally think "Seinfeld Vision" is one of the best and funniest episodes of the series.  Of course, I may just be a little biased because of my love for Jerry.  "Do-Over" was great, well-written, and very adorable in terms of Jack/Liz and the aspect of the TGS family, but Season 3 didn't really kick it into high gear until the second episode with Fauxprah.

I guess I just felt like writing my thoughts down on this because I feel like Thursday nights on NBC could be a solid two hours of comedy if The Office would step it up a notch.  Right now, it's only an hour of LOL comedy and hopefully, an hour and a half of LOL comedy when 30 Rock premieres next week.

network: nbc, tv: the office, tv: parks and recreation, tv: community, tv: 30rock

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