Which brother turned to which and said, "I have a GREAT idea for a song. We'll sing like women!"

Sep 19, 2004 19:11

Sunday nights suck. They suck so much. Since I took last Thursday off for the head of the year, this week will be my official full week of school. Five days. I know it doesn't seem like much, but I really can't do it. I hate school. So much. Despite the reason that I'm not doing anything there, or that there's no real work involved, I want to just ( Read more... )

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savingithaca September 20 2004, 19:29:10 UTC
It's alright, I completely understand the whole keeping in touch thing. I've been awful with it, too. We're all so busy and everything, so don't feel bad or anything. I'm glad that you did comment on this, though. It really made my day slightly better. I miss you, and everyone else, so fucking much. I'm glad that you've worked everything out with your friends, and that you had a party even if it was a month late. You should give me your address, so I can send you stuff.

God, I miss everything about all of us. I had the time of my life with you guys, and I miss every little thing about you all. I made a "tunes that remind me of RISD" cd. It mainly consists of music that I got from you, and every time I listen to it it makes me both happy, and so so sad. Hahaha, I told a bunch of people about when we attacked Marty with the cardboard cleaver. They were all like, "Wow, Jess. It sounds like you were a huge bitch to this Marty girl... Sweeping your hair under her bed, throwing her clock out the window, attacking her with cardboard, and stuff." I couldn't make them understand how funny it was. I couldn't make them understand how it was okay, and how she completely deserved it. DON'T YOU HAVE YOUR KEY. In a weird way, I even miss her.

You know, I haven't unpacked everything yet, either. I still have all of the stuff that was hanging on my walls packed up. I even have the pirate sign in there somewhere. I took it and told myself that the second I got home I was going to hang it up... but it just makes me so sad.

When Tara came to visit a while ago we went down to RISD and drove by the dorms and Thayer. We drove by our plooping spot, and it made me so happy. That was seriously so hysterical. Hah, especially when that guy caught us. And when we were on Thayer, I swear to god we saw Kelly. It made both of us sad. Did you ever make her into a button?

Okay. This entry is long enough, so I'm going to stop it here. But thank you so much for writing that. You can call me/email me/im me anytime you want, if you just want to talk. And if a while goes by and we haven't kept in touch, that's okay. I understand. Whenever's convenient.

I love you so so so much.

Oh, and you have no idea how weird it is to go into Hannah's room and see your giant spine.


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