I...have no excuses. I'm working on a sci-fi original project I call "Cyber Sun". This project is basically the story of a cyborg CEO in the future. Yes.
So, you may ask? I wrote a short drabble about this CEO, Alexander G. Darun. And the other two main characters in this project, "Gullseeker" and "Lizardclaw".
Yeah...it's PG. I don't know if it makes any sense but, yeah. If you read it...please tell me what you think.
The lean shadows of various furniture made an awkward jungle of the darkened room. A dresser could be the bulk of a large cat of prey, hidden by shadow. That stray sock becomes a harmless vine. Or, perhaps, a snake ready to wrap it's length around your tender sleeping neck with villainous purpose.
It was times like that made the young Alex think away from gears and churning metal of factories to the pumping heart of wild beasts. Fear alone.
He would lay awake, eyes darting across the room with nervous intent. Various natural sounds became malicious in nature. A creak of a floorboard became the breaking of a twig beneath a man-eating tiger's footpad. The misfiring of an engine in the basement of his father's mansion became the tiger's roar as it charged.
Wind...that was the worse. It called up the image of an ancient shaman, draped in mystery, chanting the most primal words to bring forth the living dead.
Alex never got much sleep. His father, a large balding man by the name of Henry, was unsympathetic. He had no imagination other than that of an ambitious corporate giant. Which is to say, the mind of a distant father that really meant no harm. Henry told Alex that he had to be stronger than simple-minded creatures and of the fact that no deep jungle existed anymore.
Soon Alex's nighttime stalkers became hulking men that had motorcycles hidden from view and with gun holsters bulging near their shoulder. After all, weren't those the real bogeys and not tigers or shamans or pythons?
“You're grandparents made us, king of idiots! You killed the eagles, the hawks! Poisoned the skies!”
The smaller of the two degenerates held the bigger back. Not out of fear of Darun, he noted, but out of patience. Those quick, almost lizard-like eyes were more like that of a vulture or a jackal. A carrion eater. He was small, scrawny, and dressed in rags. For Alexander Grant Darun himself that wasn't a very impressive figure but...it made him uneasy.
“Quiet, 'Seeker. That's enough,” the scrawny one said quietly. His voice was raspy as if it hurt him to speak.
The larger one, bulky and ungraceful, looked at Darun with a scowl. This one...a bear with a philosopher's heart. A dangerous combination. “I hardly began, 'Claw,” Seeker mumbled halfheartedly. To Darun, he said, “You cybers are worthless. Call us degenerates all you want but we're not the worthless ones.”
“Both of you, get out. This is Pyramid Corporation property. We have a strict policy, none of your...kind can be here,” Darun finally said. It was in his normal manner. Business-like with no hint of his personal opinion on the subject. Old Henry would be proud of his son.
“Fine,” Seeker mumbled. “We'll leave but we'll be back. This is just a warning.”
If Darun cared to admit such things, he was suddenly reminded of the brief time he went simply by 'Alex'. How...tiny he was, how scared. That was idiotic, stupid of him. He wouldn't allow that again.
After all, he was Darun. They were nothing.
However, what looked like a sock could be a snake that strangled you in your sleep.